Bucks Geology Group
Welcome to the Bucks Geology Group website
The BGG (previously called Bucks Earth Heritage Group) is part of the Geo-Conservation UK network which means that we interested in the rocks, fossils and landscapes of Buckinghamshire. Our volunteers find the activities great fun and very rewarding. The group are always looking for new members (no prior experience or knowledge necessary) and we extend a warm welcome to anyone wishing to join the many activities.
Below are photos from some of our recent activities, field meetings, fossil identification.
The Bucks Geology Group is also an affiliated member of the Geologists' Association. We also join with other local geology groups to be part of the SE Geo Partnership (BGG, Surrey RIGs, Kent RIGs, Berkshire Geoconservation Group, Oxfordshire Geology Trust and other stakeholders including the British Geological Survey.) The aim being to work across the county boundaries and promote geological conservation through larger higher profile projects.
The group consists of people from many backgrounds and many interests. We run lots of events covering a range of activities including talks, workshops, and indoor fun days such as the Rock and Fossil Roadshow, guided walks and quarry visits, amongst others. A couple of times a year we will work on one of our special sites (one of the SSSI or LGS sites) and help to conserve the interest and value of the area.
Why do we need a local group to identify, research and look after geological and landscape sites? Basically, the county has lost many of its geological exposures that have previously been available in road cuttings or in the quarries used for industries such as brick-making or gravel extraction. We need sites:
- To preserve our geological record for the future
- To train future geologists and geographers
- To provide an essential teaching ground for schools and universities
- To provide material for future research
- To provide sites for the public to enjoy
- To preserve geological sites which also have historical, archaeological, cultural or wildlife value