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Bucks Geology Group

Useful contacts and web links:

Buckinghamshire County Museum: for displays on local subjects including geology and a talks/events programme. Church Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 2QP 01296 331441 e-mail: 

Bucks County Museum Website

Natural England: (for information on geological conservation and SSSIs): Natural England, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 1UA
Tel: 0845 600 3078 (local rate)

British Geological Survey. For maps, books, geological information: BGS, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG

Local UK Geological Groups:

Bedfordshire and Luton Geology Group

Black Country Geological Society

Dorset's Important Geological Sites Group

East Midland Geological Society

Gloucestershire Geology Trust

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust

Hertfordshire Geological Society

Milton Keynes Geological Society

Oxfordshire Geology Trust

Shropshire Geology - Rigs Group

Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group

Wiltshire Geological Group

Regional UK Geological Groups

Geological Conservation

Open University Geological Society

GeoConservationUK - Regionally important geological / geomorphological sites

The Geologists' Association

Discovering Fossils (family-to-expert, collecting, info & discussion site)

JNCC Earth Heritage

Geo East - SE England

BGG Contact : Mike Palmer (

page last updated: 26th Mar 2024

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